A Nursing Facility Administrator manages, supervises and is in general administrative charge of a facility for skilled nursing or facility for intermediate care

A nursing facility administrator shall:

  1. Ensure that the nursing facility is in compliance with all applicable requirements of NRS Chapter 449 and NAC Chapter 449; and Part 483 of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

  2. Oversee and direct the persons employed by the nursing facility as necessary to ensure that the residents of the nursing facility receive needed services and protective supervision.

    A skilled nursing facility is an establishment which provides continuous skilled nursing and related care as prescribed by a physician to a patient in the facility who is not in an acute episode of illness and whose primary need is the availability of such care on a continuous basis.

    "Facility for intermediate care” means an establishment operated and maintained for the purpose of providing personal and medical supervision for 24 hours, for four or more persons who do not have illness, disease, injury or other conditions that would require the degree of care and treatment which a hospital or facility for skilled nursing is designed to provide.