A Residential Facility Administrator manages, supervises and is in general administrative charge of a residential facility for groups.

Each administrator of a residential facility for groups:

1.  Shall ensure that the facility complies with all applicable requirements of NRS Chapter 449 and NAC Chapter 449; and 

2.  Is responsible for the oversight and direction of the members of the staff of the facility as necessary to ensure that the residents of the facility receive needed services and protective supervision.

A “residential facility for groups” means an establishment that furnishes food, shelter, assistance and limited supervision to a person with mental retardation or with a disability or a person who is aged or infirm. The term includes, without limitation, an assisted living facility.

2.  The term does not include:

    (a) An establishment which provides care only during the day;

    (b) A natural person who provides care for no more than two persons in his or her own home;

    (c) A natural person who provides care for one or more persons related to himor her within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity; 

    (d) A halfway house for recovering alcohol and drug abusers; or

    (e) A facility funded by a division or program of the Department of Health and Human Services.